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How to Choose your Word for 2022 (with over 50 ideas!)

Have you ever "picked a word" for the year? Picking a word simply means that you pick one general theme to base your year around. All your goals and intentions are based on this one word. This method has become more and more popular as more and more people fail to keep their "New Years Resolutions". Many have chosen to ditch them altogether, but some (like myself) choose to take a different approach to set those goals and intentions for the year.

How to Choose your Word for 2022 new years resolutions, intentions, and goals

Where's the "Proof"?

I'm not going to quote any fancy research or link you back to scientifically proven data. Let's start this blog by disclaiming that this is something I have seen work for MANY people, including myself. I've been picking a theme word for 3 years now. It started back in 2020 when I was sick and tired of never reaching my goals and having my new years' resolutions fizzle out by March!

In 2020 I was able to stick to my word and saw massive GROWTH in my social media, my business, my blog, and my personal life. (my word in 2020 was "growth" if you didn't catch that)

In 2021 I chose HOPE. We were living in my in-law's basement, my business was at a standstill again, my job felt like a broken record, and we were struggling with some health issues. I was new in finding my faith again and decided to choose a word from my favorite scripture, Hebrews 6:19. I needed a little "hope" to get me through the year.

Hebrews 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor"

How do I pick a word for the year?

It will come to you, I promise. I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but listen, this is the best way to make sure it's YOUR word, and it's what YOU need! I can't pick it for you, neither can your spouse or best friend. It's just gotta feel right!

But here is what I did to pick my word for 2022.

I'm a faithful person, so I prayed about it. I asked God to show me what I needed and to lead me towards the right path. I read blogs much like this one, I wrote down my goals (yes, I still make goals, and yes you should be writing them down), I meditated and I asked myself where I wanted to be in a year from now. The questions that really solidified my word for me were:

"How do I want to feel when 2022 is over?"

"What would make me proud to have accomplished?"

"How do I want others to feel when they are around me?"

So what is MY word for 2022, and why?

SERVICE. Ultimately when I think about my goals for 2022 I think about serving others. How can I add the most value to others' lives? I want to grow closer to God and I asked him, "How can I best "serve" you?" and it clicked! God's calling for me in 2022 is to serve and to pour into others. Some of my happiest memories of 2021 are when I did service projects and I was able to make someone's life better through simple actions. I truly believe that God is calling me to be of service to as many people as I can in 2022.

Are you ready for the list?

Here is a list of over 50 words and a brief explanation of how you can incorporate them into your life.

how to choose your word for 2022

  1. Abundance - of relationships, money, time freedom

  2. Action - putting things into motion

  3. Adventure - going places and doing things you've never done before

  4. Align - to bring into alignment all areas of your life

  5. Authenticity - being totally and undisputedly genuine

  6. Balance - finding stability

  7. Calm - quieting the noise

  8. Celebrate - acknowledging the significant and happy times

  9. Challenge - getting out of your comfort zone

  10. Change - pivot, rearrange

  11. Commitment - sticking to it

  12. Confidence - learning to be unapologetically you

  13. Create - crafting and creating the life you want

  14. Daring - being bold without fear

  15. Discipline - put your nose to the grind and have total self-control

  16. Dream - creating it, achieving it, envisioning it

  17. Embrace - taking on whatever comes your way

  18. Empower - yourself, others, your family

  19. Energy - the vibe you are putting out in the world

  20. Example - as to be one for others

  21. Faith - in God, in yourself, in others

  22. Forgiveness - to yourself, to others, to the past

  23. Grace - towards yourself and others

  24. Growth - in mindset, in sales, or in influence

  25. Hope - a feeling of trust, expectation, desire (H6:19)

  26. Integrity - honest and moral in all things

  27. Intention - doing something with purpose

  28. Joy - great happiness

  29. Learn - that could be school, or it could be a new craft or skill

  30. Love - like unconditionally and without expectation

  31. Magnify - make larger than

  32. Move - your physical and mental self

  33. New - trying something new

  34. No - set boundaries

  35. Nurture - encourage and care for growth and development

  36. Passion - strong and unwavering

  37. Permission - giving it to yourself

  38. Power - influence, strength, determination

  39. Present - existing in a particular space (of mind or location)

  40. Professional - a state of being

  41. Quality - excellence over numbers

  42. Realistic - in your expectations and reality

  43. Recovery - from trauma, pain, adversity

  44. Release - letting go

  45. Rise - a comeback

  46. Service - to God and others

  47. Simplicity - stripping it down to the basics

  48. Sparkle - shine brightly, be vivacious

  49. Strength - tough mentally and/or physically

  50. Teach - show or explain

  51. Tranquil - peace and serenity

  52. Vision - like a dream with purpose and an actual visual outcome

  53. Voice - expression, communication

  54. Yes - to opportunity, to adventure, to life

  55. Zest - to have great enthusiasm and energy

I hope you found some value in this post and I hope it helped you pick your word for this year.

I'd love to hear your thoughts or even what word you picked and why! Comment below and I will send one random commenter one of my absolute FAVORITE skincare products totally FREE!

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