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Taking a Break IS Self-care

I share a lot about self-care, and so this should come as no surprise to you, but I had to take a break for my own self-care!

My website was becoming overwhelming. Things in my family, work, and social media life were taking over and my blog had to take a back seat. That's okay! If there is anything I can drill into you, it's that taking time to take care of yourself is the best form of self-care around.

Your mental health is important, and so you have to take care of it!

Well, I'm back, baby! It might be a little sporadic, not as often, or really random posts, but I promise you, I'm not gone!

Speaking of self-care,

I have a challenge going on this month! It's very easy, laid back, but a good way to find out what works for you, or get the motivation to keep doing your self-care! You'll get 1:1 support from yours truly, a game plan, a free gift, and resources, as well as weekly check-ins and motivation for 4 weeks from the time you sign up!

If interested, fill out this google form and I will be in touch!

Oh, and did I mention, there is over $150 worth of prizes that I am giving away! There are three different elite packages that earn you entries!

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