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Tips for Storing your Seasonal Decorations

This post was originally written for another website that to my knowledge never used the post, so you get to enjoy it here! This post was also written to be published right after Thanksgiving. I know the timing is weird, but the tips are still good!

With the transition from Halloween to Thanksgiving, and Christmas coming up, don’t let switching out the decorations be a chaotic mess. Use these tips to keep all of your seasonal decorations in order and stress-free.

What do I do with my normal decorations during the holiday season?

  • The easiest way to store your normal day-to-day decor is to put it in the box or bin you took your seasonal decor out of. It keeps it safe and out of the way.

  • With the change of each season, ask yourself, "Can this be used as decor this season?" A lot of items can be dressed up or reused to match the seasons.

  • This is also a great time to DECLUTTER! Yes, pull out a trash bag or donation box and keep it handy as you start to decorate.

What is the best way to store holiday decorations?

  • Take inventory when you pull them out of the box AND when you put them away. Every year I always acquire more home decor, so make sure to account for it.

  • Group everything by season or holiday. PRO TIP: If you really want to get organized, separate them into colored bins. For example; Black for Halloween, Orange/Tan for Thanksgiving, Red/Green for Christmas.

  • Label everything! Not just with the holiday, but with the type of decor.

How do you declutter seasonal decor?

  • When changing out the décor, take note of items you didn’t use so that you can get rid of them and they aren’t taking up precious storage space.

  • If items are broken, assess whether or not to fix them or chuck them. Is it irreplaceable or a family heirloom? Fix it! Can you find something just like it for fairly cheap? Chuck it!

  • Does your old holiday decor match your current holiday decor? Like people and seasons, our style changes. Something we loved 5 years ago might not fit into our current style. It's okay to let it go.

Lastly, I wanted to leave you with my number one tip; your decorations will always look nicer when your home is clean! It might sound like a pain, but clean your house before and after you decorate. Cleaning it before makes cleaning it after much easier and takes away some of the clutter anxiety.

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